Strategic Priorities

Strategic Planning workshop at Tanoa Plaza

Strategic Planning workshop at Tanoa Plaza

The Fisherwomen’s Empowerment Ecosystems Systems Health or FEESH Programme describes the five-year programme of work the organisation will deliver on the ground during the period 2021-2025 towards achieving its mission.

The FEESH Programme has a 30-year goal and three priority areas as follows.

FEESH GOAL: By 2030, healthy recovering and resilient ecosystems providing improved food security, livelihoods, and well-being for dependent fisherwomen & their communities are achieved through fishing area management, sustainable trade in inshore fisheries, expanded livelihood source, economic security for self-reliance, and by strong policy advocacy by empowered fisherwomen and their partnerships for social justice

To achieve WiFN – Fiji’s Vision and Mission, the following strategic priorities shall guide our work:

Priority Area 1: Fisherwomen forever nurtured by healthy fishing area and sustainability of fishery

Priority Area 2: Transformative Research, Policy development and advocacy for change

Priority Area 3: Strengthened Organisation and Networks for Transformation by building and strengthening internal capacity & leveraging external partnerships